Discover the purpose and potential of your message and mission and put it in a book of your very own.

Thank you for visiting the official website of Earma Brown. Her books, courses, programs and services are in three main areas: book publishing, inspirational/religion and Women Issues. Her theme statement is “It’s not how much knowledge you have that will make you rich, it’s how you organize that knowledge that will make you rich.” – Napolean Hill

Book Success Academy

Earma enjoys training aspiring authors and publishers how to publish the best book they can muster and spread their message to the world through premium book publishing and marketing techniques using your home computer. Her top clients include coaches, teachers, writers, speakers, doctorate professionals and especially WOW! Women members. The Book Success Academy includes four master courses/classes and other companion courses and programs, i.e. eBookitology and Signature Programs for groups…

  • 100 Days To A Book Flagship Course
  • Self Publish Your Way Now
  • New Book Model and Signature Book Camp
  • How To Pull It All Together In A Signature System

Books By Earma Brown

Earma Brown, 21 Book Author and Indie Publisher with a couple of Amazon Best Sellers has an eclectic mix of topics from three main non-fiction categories: Book Success Principles, Prayer, Women Issues, and Helps Ministry for the local church:

  • How To Write A Book Guides, How To Self Publish Guides, 4 Book Money Books: The Book Money Blueprint 5.0 and 101 Lead Magnet…The New Book Model, Write Your Best Book Now
  • WOW Women Global presents: WOW! Women of Worth, WOW! Women of Destiny and WOW! Women of Legacy with companion Discussion Guides, Devotionals, Workbooks, Audio/Video Teaching Courses.
  • Living The Prayer Fulfilled Life Books: Living The Prayer Fulfilled Life, Living The Divine Yes, Living The Blessed Life and Living The Prayer Fulfilled Life Devotional Plus 30 Rules For Answered Prayer
  • Ministry Of Helps Books: Armor-bearer Training Series I, II, III; In the Spirit of Leadership Book & Devotional; 52 Raising Giant Slayers Devotional
  • Writing A Book God’s Way And How To Write A Christian Devotional

Grace Media House Ministries

Grace Covenant House began as a call to feed God’s sheep using emerging technology back then. Picking up the phrase, ‘Google it’ became popular. When Googling it, nothing much (helpful) came up for the terms people were searching for information about ministry helps and women issues from Christian perspective. Grace Media was birthed to help bring solutions that would satisfy a search for good Christian material. Flash forward to today there’s a plethora of information abounding but to honor those beginnings you can still find Pastor Earma’s Christ Discipleship teachings, Audio/Video Courses and new seasons of Wednesdays In The Word and Arise & Stream Blog & Podcasts.

  • At The Parsonage – On the way back
  • Grace Covenant Online website, blogs and podcasts
  • Etsy Printables Shop sponsors Grace Covenant House, the teaching and preaching ministry of Earma Brown.
  • Grace Covenant Store Contains – Books, Ebooks, Printables – All Teaching Ministry Books of Pastor Earma and Late Rev. Varn Brown, Sr. (9) books
  • Armorbearer Training – Books, Courses & Training Seminars for local church